We are excited to announce our name has changed from Wildlife Studios Taxidermy to Kanati Elite Taxidermy Studio.
Kanati {ka-nah-tee} is Cherokee for the first man and guardian of the hunt. He was responsible for teaching the people the skill of hunting and preserving it’s tradition.
We respect the tradition the name Kanati brings. Our desire is to be the guardian of your hunt. We will strive to preserve your story in a way that displays care, superior craftsmanship, and utmost respect for the animals.
Throughout our years as Wildlife Studios, we have had one mission – to artfully preserve your most exciting and memorable experiences. As Kanati Studios, our mission remains the same. Although our name has changed, who we are has not. Our team is committed to create the same quality work at the highest level of artistry.
We look forward to continuing to serve you in the future and help you re-live your adventures and share your stories.